Advance Party Arrive in La Paz
Hola señores y señoritas
We reached our final destination at 3am local time, a total of 26 hours after setting off from Edinburgh. Tired yet elated, we decided it was time for some well earned sweet sueños.
Feeling the effects of high altitude, we had a good lie in before exploring La Paz and sourcing all of our incountry needs. After buying out two pharmacy's worth of hand sanitiser, we took a brief de-tour up the El Alto cable car, with magnificent views of the city and the surrounding mountainous environment. The beautiful snow-capped Illimani mountain took our breath away.
If you ever visit La Paz, this is a must do! (For only 30 pence).
After an evening of sussing out the logistics of the -180 degree dry shipper, we set off for dinner and scored an absolute local bargain: two courses and tea for 80 pence!
It has been a great first day and we're looking forward to welcoming our volunteers in only three days time! We will be there to welcome you...just look out for the blue jackets!
Saludos cordiales,
Greig, Jason, Gordon and Joe
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